March 13, 2015: Notice to Property Owners
RE: Property Owner Re-Survey - Reconstruction of Lucky Avenue (between Avy Avenue to Libery Park Avenue)
Dear Property Owner,
The Department of Public Works (Department) sent all property owners adjacent to Lucky Avenue and Liberty Park Avenue a survey to determine whether they were in favor of road improvements consistent with the road standards adopted by the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors (Board) for the West Menlo Park Area.
The Department informed all property owners along Lucky and Liberty Park Avenues of the survey results in our letter dated February 20, 2015. The survey results indicated that property owners on all blocks were in favor of road improvements with the exception of the block of Lucky Avenue (between Avy Avenue to Liberty Park Avenue). The Department did not receive enough responses or responses in favor of road improvements from the property owners on this block. As communicated in the Department’s letter this block was to be excluded from the road improvements.
After the survey results were mailed to the property owners, the Department received additional input from some property owners on the block of Lucky Avenue (between Avy Avenue to Liberty Park Avenue) expressing their desire to have improvements built on their street. The Department evaluated their request and has agreed to re-survey only this block (Lucky Avenue between Avy Avenue and Liberty Park Avenue) to confirm whether road improvements should be constructed.
As mentioned in the Department’s recent letter, the survey results were to be presented to the Board at their March 17, 2015 Board meeting. However, due to the time required to re-survey the block mentioned above, the Board will be informed of the survey results at a subsequent Board Meeting.
We will keep you inform of the project development schedule as they become available.
February 24, 2015: The County mailed the survey results letter to property owners. The letter can be viewed at:
Please turn in your votes by January 16, 2015.
The County held a public meeting on January 13, 2015 to discuss project issues with affected property owners along Lucky Avenue (from Avy Avenue to Sharon Road) and Liberty Park Avenue (from Alameda de las Pulgas to Cloud Avenue). The meeting notice can be viewed at:
The presentation from the January 13, 2015 meeting has been posted at the following location:
Additional information presented at the December 17, 2014 meeting included:
Additional information relative to County maintaned roads and policies are listed below:
County Right-of-Way Maintenance Guide
If property owners wish to perform work within the County road right-of-way, below is the link to the Encroachment Permit Fees and Forms:
Encroachment Permit Fees and Forms
If property owners wish to request for traffic calming measures, below is the link to the Residential Speed Control Device Program:
Residential Speed Control Device Program