All Projects

Project No. RW301; Project File No. E5075


Menlo Oaks Area, San Mateo County

About the Project

The Project involves working with the property owners/community in developing and adopting Road Standards for future road improvement projects in the Menlo Oaks Area to meet the needs of the community.

Public Works Contact

Wency Ng
Senior Engineer

John Schabowski
Associate Engineer



BKF Engineers


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  • April 2023 – Held a Kick-off meeting with consultant BKF to discuss in detail the scope of work.

  • May 2023 - Topographical survey tentatively scheduled to start in mid-June and will take about 4-6 weeks to complete.

  • June 2023 - Topographical survey tentatively scheduled to start.

  • July 2023 - Topographical survey crew performed survey work in area.

  • August 2023 - Topographical survey crew performed survey work in area.

  • September 2023 - Consultant finished topographical survey.

  • October 2023

    • Sent out flyers to property owners for Community Meeting #1 scheduled on Wednesday, November 8, 2023, from 6pm to 8pm via Zoom
    • Evaluated existing conditions, performed analysis on road options, and prepared presentation documents for Community Meeting #1
  • November 2023

  • December 2023
    • Community Meeting #2: December 6, 2023 (Wednesday) from 6:00PM to 8:00PM via Zoom Meeting (Video of Meeting) (Presentation)
      • We held the Community Meeting #2 to allow more opportunities for the communities to get their questions answered as well as to get a clear understanding of the proposed road options before voting.
      • We strongly encourage the community to wait until after the December 6 meeting to send in their votes.
    • Community Meeting #3 is anticipated to be held in February 2024.
    • Survey Due to County 12/15/2023; please mail to County of San Mateo, Public Works Department, 555 County Center, 5th Floor, Redwood City, CA 94063 (Att: John Schabowski)
  • January 2024
    • Performed calculations to determine street by street survey results.
    • Performed analysis and developed a project priority list for streets that voted for road improvements.
  • February 2024
  • March to April 2024
    • Prepared report packet for Board of Supervisors with recommendation for Menlo Oaks Road Standards and Priority List.
    • The Board of Supervisors is scheduled to consider this item in their May 7, 2024 Board Meeting (rescheduled to June 11, 2024).
  • May 2024
    • The Board of Supervisor's consideration of the Menlo Oaks Road Standards and Priority List has been rescheduled from the May 7, 2024 Board of Supervisors meeting to the June 11, 2024 Board of Supervisors meeting.
  • June to July 2024
    • The Board of Supervisor is scheduled to consider the Menlo Oaks Road Standards and Priority List in their June 11, 2024 Board meeting.
MENLO OAKS Location Map 5-1-24 Location Map - Menlo Oaks - Road Standards Vicinity Map_Menlo Oaks_Road Standards Vicinity Map - Menlo Oaks - Road Standards