General Information

The Pescadero community’s source of drinking water before 1993 was small domestic wells, water from surface impoundments, and locally derived groundwater from wells installed in the alluvial aquifer of Pescadero and Butano Creeks. In the 1970’s and 1980’s these sources were found to contain relatively high concentrations of nitrate and other naturally occurring salts. This prompted the development of a public groundwater source. County Service Area No. 11 (CSA 11) was established in 1988 to finance the development of this new water source and serve as the water provider for the Community. Click here to view a map of CSA 11 boundaries.

The water system consists of two wells, one 135,000-gallon distribution tank and a distribution system.  The water pumped from the wells meets all Federal and State water quality standards and does not require treatment.  Water flows from the distribution tank through the distribution system mains by gravity.  No distribution pumps are required.  CSA 11 has approximately 90 residential and commercial customers.

After Hours Emergency

Call (650) 363-4100.  Wait for the phone to roll forward to the County Communications Center and the Dispatcher will notify the on-call staff-person.

Water Quality

Each year CSA 11 produces an Annual Water Quality Report called the Consumer Confidence Report (CCR). The CCR is a requirement of the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Click here to view CSA 11’s 2022 Consumer Confidence Report.

Water Conservation

Finding ways to use water more wisely in the home can save both a precious natural resource and money. Click here for a virtual tour of the Water Saver House.

Additional Links

CSA 11 Billing and Customer Information

CSA 11 Map

CSA 11 News

CSA 11 Public Meetings