The best protection for employees and businesses is to be prepared. Every dollar spent preparing saves seven dollars spent on business recovery. Many unprepared businesses never reopen after a major disaster. Prepare to stay in business!
1. Business Vital Records
The best protection for employees and businesses is to be prepared. Every dollar spent in preparing saves seven dollars spent on business recovery afterward. Many unprepared businesses never reopen after a major disaster. Prepare to stay in business!
2. Business Plan
Your emergency response plan at work is the blueprint for the safety of your employees and business.
3. Business Supply Kit
Your experience after an emergency can range from inconvenient to disastrous. Being prepared with the right supplies can make all the difference.
4. Employees
Employees are the most valuable asset that a business has, especially in an emergency. Involve your staff in emergency planning and awareness. Stay involved with their safety needs and suggestions. Practice!
5. Commute Safety
Emergencies and disasters can happen while you are commuting by car, truck, motorcycle, bike, or public transportation. Protect yourself by being informed and prepared, and using common sense if there is an emergency during your commute.
6. Physical Assets
Protect your office and other physical assets such as inventory and equipment by being prepared.