For Immediate Release
REDWOOD CITY – For the 14th consecutive year, the County of San Mateo has earned a prestigious national award for excellence in financial reporting for the Popular version of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2014-15 report detailing for the public in an understandable way how it receives and spends its funds.
The Award for Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Reporting by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) is the highest form of recognition in financial reporting for state and local governments. The criteria for granting this award includes overall quality and usefulness of the report, accessibility, creativity, presentation, and reader appeal.
The PAFR is an easy-to-read financial report designed to help citizens who may not have an accounting or finance background understand where the County’s revenues come from and where the money is spent. The report summarizes key financial information contained in the County’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for FY 2014-15, and includes statistics and multi-year graphs showing year over year changes and trends. In FY 2014-15 the County’s government-wide revenues totaled $1.61 billion and expenditures totaled $1.25 billion.

“Receiving this award for the 14th consecutive year reflects our on-going commitment to provide the residents of San Mateo County with relevant, transparent, and timely financial information. I’m honored to receive this award on behalf of the County,” said Controller Juan Raigoza. The more in-depth CAFR, issued in December 2015, was similarly honored this year by the GFOA. The CAFR is available here or at and the PAFR is available here or at
Controller Juan Raigoza
(650) 363-4777