Residential Speed Control/Traffic Calming Devices
Residential Speed Control Device Procedures
Residential Speed Control Devices Request
The Residential Speed Control Devices Program (RCSD) aims to curb speeding habits in residential neighborhoods. The RCSD program was developed by the Department of Public Works working with the California Highway Patrol and community members to help motorists obey residential speed limits. The department will not recommend that speed control devices be installed on a road where the posted speed limit is 30 miles per hour (mph) or more.
The County currently uses physical measures (speed humps and dips) to aid in slowing motorists down, where requested by a neighborhood. However, these measures work best with neighborhood support to keep streets safe. Educating all roadway users to obey all speed laws, share the road and respect the rights of other users will increase the safety of our neighborhoods.
- If you are a driver, respect the right of a pedestrian who is crossing at a marked or unmarked crossing.
- If you are a pedestrian, do not insist on your right of way and don't put yourself at unnecessary risk. Cross at intersections and use controlled crossings, where possible, on busy streets.
- As a parent, educate your children on the need for safety when crossing streets.
- Pay attention to your driving habits and do not exceed the speed limit.