All Projects

Project No. RW701; Project File No. E4959


Cloverdale Road at Butano Creek (Pescadero Area)

About the Project

The County partnered with the Resource Conservation District (RCD) to repair the scour damage at the bridge and include habitat restoration upstream and downstream of the bridge. In general, the project improvements include removing the failed sacked concrete wall, repairing the failing bank,  and installing habitat enhancement features like log structures, fish resting pools, floodplain expansion, revegetation, and a fish passable roughened channel.

Public Works Contact

Anthony Lum
Senior Engineer


Hanford ARC (through RCD’s contract)

  • September 2021 – Construction completed
  • December 2021 – Installed plantings
  • March 2022 – Watering of plantings continues



Failed sacked concrete wall (preconstruction)

Failed sacked concrete wall (preconstruction)

Failed sacked concrete wall (preconstruction) 2

Failed sacked concrete wall (preconstruction)

Landslide upstream and adjacent to the bridge (preconstruction)

Landslide upstream and adjacent to the bridge (preconstruction)

Repaired bank with erosion control at bridge (post-construction)

Repaired bank with erosion control at bridge (post-construction)

Landslide area repaired with drainage improvements, erosion blanket, and plantings (post-construction)

Landslide area repaired with drainage improvements, erosion blanket, and plantings (post-construction)

Downstream of bridge – fish resting pools and logs with rootwad installed for habitat (post-construction)

Downstream of bridge – fish resting pools and logs with rootwad installed for habitat (post-construction)


Regional Map


Vicinity Map

RegionalMapRW701 Regional Map VicinityMapRW701 Vicinity Map