All Projects

Project No. RW909; Project File No. E5003 


Higgins Canyon Road at Mills Creek (Half Moon Bay Area)

About the Project

The Higgins Canyon Road Bridge at Mills Creek Embankment and Wingwall Repairs Project will repair the failing embankment and exposed wingwall of the bridge. The work to be done consists, in general, of installing a wingwall underpinning system, constructing a retaining wall with ground anchors, drainage improvements, and installing a rock slope protection revetment with plantings, and erosion control/slope protection.

Public Works Contact

Anthony Lum
Senior Engineer



  • March 2022 - 100% Draft Plans and Specs completed 
  • April 2022 - Project out to bid, Bid Opening scheduled for May 12th, 2022 
  • May 2022 - Bid Opening took place May 12, 2022. Advanced Geotechniques, Inc. was the responsible low bidder and will be awarded the project on June 14th, 2022
  • June 2022 - Contract awarded to Advanced Geotechniques, Inc. on June 14th 
  • July 2022 - Contractor to start construction early August
  • August 2022 - Contractor has started excavation and revetment work on the slope.
  • September 2022 -
    • Contractor completes revetment work, and drill and construct soldier pile wall
    • Construction Status: 66% Complete
  • October 2022 -
    • Contractor starts backfill for the soldier pile wall
    • Construction Status: 84% Complete
  • November 2022 -
    • Contractor finalized backfill for the soldier pile wall, installed and test tiebacks, finalized boulder revetment elevation
    • Construction Status: 94%
  • December 2022
    • Contractor completed testing of tiebacks, and installed erosion control

    • Construction Status: 97% Complete

  • January 2023

    • Contractor completes the remainder of contract items. County conducted a final walk through to compile a list of punch list items for the Contractor to address.

    • Construction Status: 100% Complete

LocationMap Location Map VicinityMap Vicinity Map AGI placing top portion of VBR after completing tieback testing Placing top portion of VBR after completing tieback testing - Dec 2022 AGI installing the downdrain Installing the downdrain - Dec 2022 AGI’s subcontractor spraying bonded fiber matrix (erosion control seeding) Spraying bonded fiber matrix (erosion control seeding) - Dec 2022 AGI’s subcontractor installing an erosion control blanket over the newly sprayed BFM Installing an erosion control blanket over the newly sprayed BFM - Dec 2022 Fence and valley gutter installed - Jan 2023 Fence and valley gutter installed - Jan 2023 Retaining wall structure, down drain, VBR, and fence - Jan 2023 Retaining wall structure, down drain, VBR, and fence - Jan 2023