Project Overview
The project consists, in general, of pipe bursting the existing vitrified clay pipe (VCP) sanitary sewer main and replacing it with high density polyethylene and ductile iron pipes, removal of existing sags and bends on the sewer mains, connection of existing sewer laterals to the new sewer main, replacement of existing flushing inlets, replacement of existing brick manholes with new concrete manholes, rehabilitation of existing sewer manholes, and plugging of existing inactive sewer laterals. Construction commenced on October 12, 2015. As of March 31, 2016 approximately 11,860 linear feet of new pipe (99% of pipe in the Project) and 61 manholes (91% of manholes in the Project) have been installed.
Along Eleanor Drive and a Portion of Stockbridge Avenue and Melanie Lane
The anticipated completion date is the end of May 2016, weather permitting.