All Projects

Project No. RW407; Project File No. S5095

canada road 2023

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Cañada Road from Highway 92 to County/ Town of Woodside Limits

About the Project

Cañada Road Pavement Preservation Project includes pavement repair, micro surfacing, and traffic striping improvements between Highway 92 and the County/ Town of Woodside Limits near Palm Circle Road.

Public Outreach Schedule: 
  1. Public Outreach #1: Wednesday September 13, 2023

         Hybrid Meeting - see handout #1

         455 County Government Center, Room COB-101

         Time: 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM

         See summary of public comments received to date below. 

  1. Unincorporated San Mateo County Bicycle Advisory Committee: Thursday, October 19, 2023 

         455 County 455 County Government Center, Room COB-101

         Time: 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM - hybrid

  1. Public Outreach #3: Thursday, November 9, 2023

         Hybrid Meeting (zoom link

         455 County Government Center, Room COB-101

         Time:  3:00- 4:00 PM

          Please submit your comments on this link

Please  see the slide presentation for this meeting below.

Recording of meeting #3 (starts at 9:25 minutes) 

Project Milestones

Project Milestones Canada Road

Unincorporated San Mateo Bicycle and Pedestrian Advocacy Committee, San Mateo Parks, Filoli Historic House and Gardens, SF Water, Caltrans, Sheriff's Office, CHP, CalFire

Design Updates
  • November 2023 - Design phase of the Project has started.
  • December 2023 - 30% Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PSE) Completed.
  • January 2024 - 60% Plans, Specifications, and Estimates in development.
  • February 2024 - 90% Plans, Specifications, and Estimates in development.
  • March 2024 - 100% Plans, Specifications, and Estimates in development.
  • April 2024 - Finalizing Plans, Specifications, and Estimated. Scheduled to advertised for bids this April 2024. Scheduled to award project in June 2024.
  • May 2024 - Plans, Specifications, and Estimates has been finalized. Project was advertised for bids on April 24, 2024. Bid opening is scheduled for May 16, 2024.
  • June 2024 - Bids were received and opened on May 16, 2024. Lowest apparent bidder is VSS International, Inc. Contract award for this Project is scheduled on June 11, 2024.
  • July 2024 - On June 11, 2024, the Project was awarded by the County of San Mateo Board of Supervisors to VSS International, Inc. Construction is expected to start in Summer 2024.
Public Works Contact

Anthony Lum
Senior Engineer


VSS International, Inc.

June 2024 Existing Conditions - Canada Road-Edgewood Road Intersection June 2024 Existing Conditions - Canada Road-Edgewood Road Intersection June 2024 Existing Conditions - Clarkia Trail - Facing North June 2024 Existing Conditions - Clarkia Trail - Facing North June 2024 Existing Conditions - Ralston Trail - Facing South June 2024 Existing Conditions - Ralston Trail - Facing South