All Projects

Project No. RW940; Project File No. E5050


87th Street from Sullivan Avenue to Southgate Avenue, and S. Park Plaza Drive from 87th Street to County limit

About the Project

At S. Park Plaza Drive between Garden Village Elementary School and Benjamin Franklin Intermediate School, a raised midblock crosswalk will be constructed to provide an improved crossing for pedestrians and serve as a traffic calming feature to slow the traffic. At the intersections of 87th Street and S. Park Plaza Drive and 87th Street and Washington Street, curb extensions and standard accessible curb ramps will be installed to increase visibility and shorten crossing distances.  Along 87th Street and S. Park Plaza Drive, road surfacing treatments coupled with edge lines and improved traffic striping will be installed for traffic calming and pedestrian improvements.

Public Works Contact

Wency Ng
Senior Engineer


Bay Area Lightworks, Inc

  • July 2022 to February 2023 - 100% design plans and specifications completed. Department coordinated with PG&E for the traffic signal related work disconnect and reconnect. Department received Caltrans E-76 grant approval for project construction. Project bidding is anticipated in spring 2023. Construction is to start in summer 2023 to minimize disruption to the nearby schools.
  • March 2023 - Project advertised for bids. Bid opening took place on March 28, 2023. Project is to be awarded to the contractor in April. Construction is anticipated to begin after school session is over in summer 2023.
  • April 2023 – Project was awarded to Bay Area Lightworks, Inc.

  • May 2023 – Pre-construction meeting held on May 2, 2023. Construction is anticipated to begin in June 2023.

  • June 2023 - Construction has begun. Contractor installed new underground conduits for new traffic signal systems.

  • July 2023 - Contractor began sidewalk and curb ramp improvements at the intersection of 87th Street/S. Park Plaza Drive.  Contractor finished one side of the median islands and curb ramp for the new mid-block crosswalk on S. Park Plaza Drive.

  • August 2023 - Contractor continued to work on sidewalk and curb extensions and installation of new signal pole foundations and new drainage inlets. 

  • September 2023 - Contractor installed raised mid-block crosswalk on S. Park Plaza Drive, and foundations for new traffic signal cabinets for each intersection. Construction of drainage inlets and remaining curb extensions, slurry sealing and final striping will resume in October/November. 

  • October 2023 – Contractor installed slurry sealing and pavement markings and striping. Contractor worked on curb extensions and drainage features at the intersection of 87th Street and Washington Street. Construction of remaining curb extensions and drainage features will be finalized in November.

  • November 2023 – Contractor installed remaining curb extensions and drainage features. The intersection of 87th St and Washingtons St was repaved. Traffic equipment will be installed in Spring 2024 due to long lead time.

  • December 2023 to January 2024 – Work pending traffic equipment arrival and testing.
  • February 2024 – Contractor installed pavement markings for crosswalks. Work pending traffic equipment arrival and testing.
  • March 2024 – Ribbon cutting on March 27, 2024. New traffic equipment in process of being programmed and tested.
  • May 2024 - Construction is 85% complete. Critical path for project completion is coordination and scheduling with outside agencies. Remaining scope is to pull wires and energize new signalization lights. All old signalization lights will then be decommissioned and removed from site. Anticipated completion date is late May/June.
Broadmoor_SRTS_Location_Map Location Map Broadmoor_Map Improvements Broadmoor_Site_View Proposed Midblock Crosswalk Location Broadmoor_Site_View2 Existing "No Ped Crossing" Sign Broadmoor 87th-Larchmont_New_Striping 87th Larchmont New Striping Broadmoor S_Park_Plaza_Dr-New_Mid-Block_Crossing S Park Plaza Dr - New Mid-Block Crossing Broadmoor Slurry Sealing on 87th Slurry Sealing on 87th Broadmoor 87th-Park Plaza_New Striping 87th - Park Plaza New Striping Broadmoor Curb Extension - Washington SW Curb Extension - Washington SW Broadmoor Curb_Extension-Nimitz_SW Curb Extension - Nimitz SW