All Projects

Project No. RW904; Project File No. E5034


Athlone Terrace Pump Station (Bay Road and Spring Street, Redwood City)

About the Project

The Athlone Terrace Pump Station Trash Capture Device Project includes the installation of a Trash Capture Device to capture the trash that flows into the Athlone Terrace Pump Station located in the North Fair Oaks neighborhood.

Public Works Contact

Carter Choi
Senior Engineer


K.J. Woods Construction, Inc. 

  • June 2022- 90% design complete.
  • October 2022 – Working with San Mateo County Transit District for permits. 

  • January 2023 – Initial review completed with San Mateo County Transit District (SamTrans). Finalizing permit with SamTrans. 

  • August 2023 – License agreement executed with SamTrans and finalized design.  

  • September 2023 – Project is out to bid, advertised as of 9/13/23. Bid Opening October 12, 2023. 

  • November 2023 - Project awarded to K.J. Woods Construction, Inc. for a NTE of $538,000.00. 

  • March/April 2024 - Pre-construction meeting with the contractor was conducted on March 13, 2024. Construction is tentatively scheduled to begin in July 2024.

  • July 2024 - Construction scheduled to begin in August 2024.

RW904LocationMap Location Map RW904VicinityMap Vicinity Map