The Court said my child has to go to Camp Kemp.  What does this mean?

The Camp Kemp program is on a specialized unit in the Youth Services Center.  Girls go to school and are provided services and opportunities to help prepare them for returning to the community and assist them in making good decisions.

How long will my child be at Camp Kemp?

It depends on the type of crime involved and how well your child does at Camp.  Most youth stay about six months.  After about three months, depending on your child’s behavior, she might be able to go on home passes.  When she is released from Camp, she will be supervised in the community.

When can I see my child?

Call Youth Services Center at 650-312-527 to arrange a visit.  Staff will tell you who is allowed to visit and what you can and cannot bring to Camp.  The Camp also has a group for children and their families every other week on Saturdays.  In this group you and your child will learn better ways of working together and communicating.

How much will it cost me?

For information about your financial responsibility, please call 650-312-8816.

What happens if my child fails at Camp Kemp?

Camp Kemp is one of the most serious placements in San Mateo County.  If your child does not do well there, the Court may decide to send her to another residential facility or to detention in a more restrictive program at the Youth Services Center.