Gender Neutral Restrooms are vital for safety

Learn why Gender Neutral Restrooms are critical to the safety and inclusion of all members of the community. You can download a sign to use in your business or organization and you can learn how to identify Gender Neutral Restrooms and add them to Refuge Restroom.
Check out the San Mateo County Pride Center

Seeking an LGBTQIA+-centered organization that provides services, programs, events and mental health access for members of the LGBTQIA+ community in San Mateo County? Check out the San Mateo County Pride Center
2024 Pride Celebration

San Mateo County's 12th Annual Pride Celebration is a space to champion inclusion and wellness for LGBTQIA+ folks and allies in our county. This year's Pride Celebration is on Saturday, June 8, 2024 at the City of San Mateo's Central Park from 11am-5pm. The new Pride Parade is also happening starting at 10am. There will be live entertainment, live DJ, resource and vendor booths, family friendly activities and more!
FREE ENTRY and Sober Event.