The Strategic Plan sets the direction for the Commission to address the trends and challenges it is encountering now and in the years to come. It is intended for a variety of audiences, including the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors, the LGBTQ community in San Mateo County, County employees, and members of the public. The plan can be used as follows:

  • The LGBTQ Commission will use the Strategic Plan as the basis for developing an annual workplan for implementing goals and objectives designed to achieve its strategic vision.
  • The San Mateo County Board of Supervisors can view the plan to identify Commission priorities and monitor alignment with the Shared Vision 2025.
  • County Employees can use the Strategic Plan to obtain information about the Commission’s vision, mission and goals.
  • Members of the Public can use this document to obtain information about the Commission’s work.

Aligning with the County’s Strategic Direction

The LGBTQ Commission’s Strategic Plan aligns with the direction of the County’s Shared Vision 2025, specifically contributing to the following community outcomes:

  • Community Outcome: Collaborative Community - Our leaders forge partnerships, promote regional solutions with informed and engaged residents, and approach issues with fiscal accountability and concern for future impacts.
  • Healthy Community - Our neighborhoods are safe and provide residents with access to quality health care and seamless services.