My staff and I celebrated the holidays with the staff of the County's Human Services Agency (HSA) and the Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VRS) Division and their clients at their remodeled facility in Belmont on January 13th. We served and shared a classic Thanksgiving Dinner! The hot food line servers included: County Manager John Maltbie, HSA Director Iliana Rodriguez, Deputy County Manager Reyna Farrales and me. We offered turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy, and green beans!
We were celebrating another successful year and the completed remodel of their kitchen, the excellent staff and leadership at HSA, and the agency's terrific clients. Chef Robert was large and in charge in the kitchen with his apprentice and seasoned staff. The rest of the lunch servers were legislative aides from the Board of Supervisor's staff. Everyone had a wonderful time, the food was fabulous, and spirits were high!
Nice job, Iliana and everyone from VRS/HSA!