At the April 26 Board of Supervisors meeting, we discussed the status of the San Carlos Airport Disturbance Study and the next steps. Three consultants have been retained to conduct airport noise studies, identify the best practices in use at general aviation airports, gauge public opinion and prepare to report back to our Board in June. In addition, three noteworthy steps actions have taken place:
· Congresswomen Jackie Speier and Anna Eshoo have advocated for the consideration and use of visual flight paths approaches.
· Surf Air and FAA officials have identifed several visual approach alternatives to minimize noise; one of alternative approach paths developed flies almost exclusively over water or commercial property near the airport. It will be piloted and evaluated in May. Visual approaches can only be used when the weather permits, but our climate is temperate. A review of weather patterns shows that a preferred visual approach could be in use about 85% of the time.
· The San Carlos Pilots Association and the Business Owners Association have continued to meet and review alternatives with the goal of noise reduction, to provide information as needed and to participate in the current discussion of its future as a general aviation airport.