At the August 4th Board of of Supervisors meeting, the Board approved my Measure A recommendation to fund three programs in District Four. While there are many worthy community needs adn priorities, I focused my allocation of Measure A dollars to fund programs that serve youth from low performing schools and under-resourced communities.
In his new book, "Our Kids," well-known author and researcher, Robert Putnam, makes the case that students in low performing schools rarely have access to enhanced services and programs like music, band, art, PE, technology clubs, camps, field trips, tutoring, or even sports unlike their counterparts in high-performing school. After reading this, I chose to invest Measure A dollars in three programs that will support youth during the 2015-16 fiscal year.
Joan and Lewis Platt YMCA, East Palo Alto: This program teaches young people about government and prepares them for participation in the State conventions. They learn to consider policies, to advocate for them and build coalitions to enact legislation and they do so with others. Students learn about the world through their adult mentors adn through the eyes of their peers. The travel involved is a learning experience as well.
LEMO Foundation, Redwood City: This program hooks "at-risk" kids with sports, and through the rigors of training, requires a commitment ot academic growth, service learning and graduation. One hundred percent of Lemo's participants graduate from high school and head to college. (Serves students in North Fair Oaks, Redwood City and East Palo Alto.)
Ravenswood City School District's Parent Academy, East Palo Alto: This program brings children and parents to school to learn - together. Parents learn how to be more involved and effective in their children's lives. Children learn how to have a positive relationship with thier parents and succeed in school.