Light Brown Apple Moth - San Mateo County Agricultural Commissioner's Office is asking residents within the county to help prevent the spread of this serious agricultural pest by not moving plants, flowers, fruits or vegetables out of the three-county quarantine area of San Mateo, San Francisco and Santa Cruz. Residents may move home-grown plants, flowers, fruits and vegetables within the three counties; however, plants and produce with small holes or leaf material with signs of feeding damage caused by caterpillars should not be moved. Green waste, such as plant clippings and leaves, should be placed in recycling containers or composted on site.
Food bank organizations may accept and transport fruits and vegetables grown by homeowners without inspection as long as the product is distributed within San Mateo County, Santa Cruz County or San Francisco County.
The Light Brown Apple Moth (LBAM) is a small moth, approximately 1/4 inch in length, and is generally tan with some darker markings. It is originally from Australia and has also infested New Zealand, New Caledonia, Hawaii and the British Isles. It feeds on such a wide variety of plants that it is considered a significant threat to the environment as well as to agricultural crops.
- CDFA Pest Hotline: 1-800-491-1899
- CDFA LBAM Program e-mail: lbam@cdfa.ca.gov
- CDFA LBAM Web site: www.cdfa.ca.gov/lbam
San Mateo County LBAM Quarantine Area Maps and Treatment Areas
- County Light Brown Apple Moth Quarantine Map
- Full Regulation and Map Links
Related Links
- California Department of Food and Agriculture LBAM brochure [PDF]
- Light Brown Apple Moth (LBAM) Project - a cooperative project of the California Department of Food & Agriculture and the United States Department of Agriculture
- University of California Integrated Pest Management Online
- United States Department of Agriculture