The San Mateo County Fire Department's Fire Marshal’s Office is responsible for review and adoption of regulations pertaining to the prevention and control of fires. The Fire Marshal’s Office reviews development and building projects for compliance with applicable codes and standards, and coordinates requirements with internal and external stakeholders.
The Fire Marshal’s Office is also responsible for performing the inspections of commercial and residential construction projects, the commissioning of fire protection systems, fire-hazard complaints, annual mandatory building inspections, special permits, tent permits and alternative means and methods agreements.

The Fire Marshal’s Office also oversees the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) Risk Reduction program, an effort to reduce damage caused by large wildfires. The WUI Risk Reduction Program is overseen by Deputy Fire Marshal who is responsible for the coordination of defensible space inspections, flammable vegetation complaints, community outreach. The WUI Risk Reduction Officer also participates in stakeholder coordination for the unincorporated portions of San Mateo County (outside of a City or fire district).
Contact the Fire Marshal’s Office: smcfdfiremarshal@fire.ca.gov
Contact the WUI Risk Reduction Office: smcfdwui@fire.ca.gov
San Mateo County has numerous fire departments throughout the County, each with specific fire code and building code requirements. If you’re looking to contact your local fire marshal, please type in the address of your project on the online jurisdiction map.
Fire Hazard Severity Zones
Fire Hazard Severity Zone (FHSZ) maps are created by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire) to identify areas where a wildfire is more likely to occur. Scientific models are used to geographically identify FHSZ's through an analysis of factors, such as:
- Predominant vegetation type (vegetation is the fuel for a wildfire)
- Terrain (severity of slopes)
- Fire history (past fires are good predictors of future fires)
- Weather patterns (high winds, low humidity, and high temperatures contribute to fire severity)
The maps are updated periodically and are available for viewing.
Knox Box System

The KNOX-BOX® Rapid Entry System was specifically developed for the fire department. With one highly secure master key, firefighters can gain access to commercial and residential property without causing unnecessary damage, potentially saving time, property, and lives.
Knox Box entry systems may be required for some construction and businesses. To place an order, click on the link below. When asked please type in SAN MATEO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT to view our approved Knoxbox choices.
Fee Schedule
San Mateo County Fire Department Fire Fee Schedule: