Supporting Transit-Accessible Mixed Use Affordable Housing

Supervisor Horsley and I wrote an op-ed in support of the Gateway at Millbrae Station that was published today in the San Mateo Daily Journal. The project, a mixed-use development, would include 80 units of affordable housing with a preference for veterans, generate more than $1.2 million in net revenue and create more than 1,400 jobs.

Funding Projects and Programs that Matter

As Supervisor, I have had the opportunity to fund programs through district-specific Measure K money that can make a real difference in people's lives and in our community.

Warren Award Recipient: Recology

What makes an organization a great partner? It's not just doing the job well – it’s doing it well and in collaboration with the community. Recology is a great partner and it is for that reason that they receive this Warren Award.    

Support for Young Immigrants

Immigrants are an integral part of our San Mateo County community. I am proud of the contributions that immigrants who reside in District 4 have made to the fabric of our county and our country.

Carpool Lanes Offer More Options for Commuters

Whether we take a car or a bus, many of us face gridlock on our commutes to work. I think we can do better, that's why I'm an advocate for increasing options for commuters. For those who get around by car or bus, for the first mile, for the last mile or for our whole commute, there should be a way to get there faster and more reliably.

Warren Award Recipient: Melissa Reggiardo

Melissa Reggiardo, Principal Planner for San Mateo County Transit District (SamTrans), has been very busy for the past year and a half. Melissa’s been the lead project manager for the Dumbarton Transportation Corridor Study - a $1.2 million dollar study that identifies strategies, including a rail crossing, to reduce traffic congestion and improve mobility between Alameda, San Mateo and Santa Clara counties.    

Growing Momentum for the Dumbarton Transportation Corridor Improvements

The Dumbarton Transportation Corridor Study was published this week. It identifies strategies, including a rail crossing, to reduce congestion and improve mobility between Alameda, San Mateo, and Santa Clara counties. I believe that this rail crossing is a key component to addressing our traffic crisis. It can and should be built. Others are joining me, our momentum is growing! What are your hopes for the Corridor? Talk to me--650-363-4570 or tweet me @warrenslocum!

Dumbarton Rail Bridge is a Once-in-a-Generation Opportunity

The Dumbarton rail bridge is the missing link in our mega-regional transportation network. I have been working with SamTrans, the owners of the rail bridge, and others to add this vital link to help alleviate traffic in our region. There is not one fix to the transportation crisis, but there are steps we can take to make a measurable difference. The Dumbarton rail bridge offers us a once-in-a-generation the opportunity to do just that. Let me know what you think!

Language Access Policy

On June 27th, Supervisor Canepa and I recommended that the County develop a Language Access policy. Have you ever walked into a building and had no idea which floor you needed to be on? How about trying to get assistance in a government office when no one speaks your language? Even if you haven’t experienced this, some of your neighbors probably have.

How you can stop Medicare fraud by Supervisor David J. Canepa

Depending on which side of the aisle you sit on, the future of Medicare either looks grim or promising as its fiscal strength shows signs of improvement despite the program being constantly under siege by fraudsters. In Congress, there has been talks for years now to either phase out the medical insurance program that benefits nearly 58 million Americans, the vast majority seniors, or possibly even privatize it.

Ohlone-Portolà Heritage Trail Committee to Commission Feasibility Study

The San Mateo County Board of Supervisors has directed the formation of a committee to explore the best ways to design and interpret the path that Gaspar de Portolà took during his expedition of the San Mateo County coast and the San Francisco Bay.

Supervisor David J. Canepa says Internet exchange zones can save lives

San Mateo County will be one of the first in the state to implement the exchange zone and follows Daly City, which established its zone last year at City Hall directly in front of the police station.