Junipero Serra Park Closures

See trail and area closures including Big Slides in the Meadow View playground.

Fitzgerald Marine Reserve Beach Access Blocked Off for Pupping Season

It’s crucial that you stay out of areas marked by cones and give the moms and pups the space they need to feel safe.

Help Us Create Flood Park's New Playground

Let us know the types of play and equipment you and your children want at Flood Park's new playground. 

Supervisors, Raising Concerns about Public Safety, Oppose Move by AT&T to Drop Landlines

Redwood City – San Mateo County Supervisors today voted 5-0 to oppose a move by AT&T they say could threaten the county’s most vulnerable residents during wildfires and other emergencies.

Supervisors Allocate $110 Million in Local Funds to Address Local Needs

Redwood City – San Mateo County Supervisors voted unanimously today to allocate $110 million for the upcoming fiscal year to expand services for the most vulnerable residents, tackle the causes of homelessness, improve parks and more.

Exercise Caution in the Presence of Wildlife

Remember that some of our parks' creatures warrant extra caution if encountered.

Expect Quarry Park Pump Track Closure During Wet Weather

The pump track is open, but will close during rain and until the track surface thoroughly dries out.

Supervisors Move Toward Boosting the Local Social Safety Net

Redwood City — The San Mateo County Board of Supervisors received staff recommendations today for a $34.5 million aid package aimed at bolstering support in three vital areas identified by the community as priorities.

Supervisors Raise Concerns About Loss of AT&T Landlines

Redwood City – San Mateo County supervisors today took the first step toward opposing a move by AT&T that local officials said could put residents in rural areas at risk during wildfires and in other emergencies.

$4 Million in Federal Funding Headed to County for Farmworker Housing, Accessible Playground

Redwood City – A total of $3 million in federal funds is headed to San Mateo County for safe and affordable homes for local farmworkers. Another $1 million will go toward making play equipment more accessible and inclusive for everyone at Coyote Point Recreation Area.

Design Your New Playground at Flood Park, March 16

Join us Saturday, March 16, 2–4pm, to share ideas for a new playground at Flood Park. Plus, the Board of Supervisors, have approved the plans and specifications for Phase 1 of the Flood Park Landscape Plan and selection of a contractor.