San Mateo – When Aaron Alvarez Mendoza picked up a camera in the early 2000s, many serious photographers had already switched to digital and the freedom that comes with memory cards and the ability to edit images quickly and easily.
"En su compromiso con una investigación completa, transparente e independiente, la Junta de Supervisores del Condado de San Mateo contratará a una empresa independiente para investigar las acusaciones hechas por la Alguacil Christina Corpus. La Junta también ha dirigido a la Oficina de la Fiscalía del Condado para notificar a la Oficina del Procurador General de California de los asuntos relacionados con la Oficina del Alguacil.”
"In its commitment to a full, transparent, and independent investigation, the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors will retain an independent firm to investigate allegations made by Sheriff Christina Corpus. The Board has also directed the County Attorney's Office to notify the California Attorney General's Office of matters related to the Sheriff’s Office.”
New county park under construction honors former Supervisor Horsley, a champion of protecting beach and making it available to the public.
Redwood City – San Mateo County supervisors today urged residents to join them in standing “United Against Hate,” a week-long campaign to build inclusion and equity for all.
Redwood City – San Mateo County supervisors today voted to honor former Supervisor and County Sheriff Don Horsley, who died in November 2023 after a lifetime of public service, by naming a new park after him.
Declaración sobre la Investigación de la Oficina de la Alguacil de parte de Supervisora Noelia Corzo y Supervisor Ray Mueller en nombre de la Junta de Supervisores del Condado de San Mateo: "La Junta de Supervisores del Condado de San Mateo se ha comprometido a defender el debido proceso y asegurar la confianza pública en el Condado y la Oficina de la Alguacil.
Statement on Sheriff’s Office Investigation from San Mateo County Supervisors Noelia Corzo and Ray Mueller on Behalf of the Board of Supervisors: "The San Mateo County Board of Supervisors is committed to upholding due process and ensuring public trust in the County and Sheriff’s Office. We remain committed to the ongoing investigation into the dozens of allegations made regarding the Sheriff’s Office.
Redwood City – The San Mateo County Board of Supervisors will meet at 9 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 24, in the new Board Chambers at 500 County Center, Redwood City. Link to agenda.
Statement from San Mateo County Supervisor Ray Mueller on behalf of the Board of Supervisors:
Realize Flood Park construction crews are scheduled to be in the park Saturday, Sep. 21. Early closure of the pump track at 5 p.m. will continue to Sunday, Oct. 6.