Department of Housing Receives State Housing Award

The San Mateo County Department of Housing has successfully competed for an award of $5 million to implement the State’s Local Housing Trust Fund (LHTF) program.  The LHTF program provides matching funds to local and regional housing trust funds dedicated to the creation, rehabilitation, or preservation of affordable housing, transitional housing and emergency shelters.

San Mateo County Among 62 Communities to Receive New Stability Vouchers

In response to a HUD Notice of Funding Opportunity, the Housing Authority of San Mateo County (HACSM) has successfully competed in collaboration with the Daly City/San Mateo County Continuum of Care (CoC) to receive an award of 40 new Stability Vouchers, coupled with a grant of more than $3.5 million provided to the COC for supportive services.

Former Foster Youth Put Down Roots in San Mateo County

In the Bay Area, almost 75% of unhoused young people were formerly in the foster care or juvenile justice system.  A collaboration between San Mateo County’s Department of Housing (DOH) and the Children and Family Services Division of the Human Services Agency (HSA) is hoping to reverse these trends with awards of Measure K funding to affordable housing developments...

Kiku Crossing - New Affordable Housing in San Mateo

Kiku Crossing, a new affordable housing development, built by MidPen Housing, and located in downtown San Mateo is expected to open in Spring 2024. The Department of Housing invested more than $5 million dollars of Measure K funds to help with the cost of building the 225-unit property, and the Housing Authority of San Mateo County awarded the project Project-Based Vouchers.

Road to Homeownership

Exclusive Community Event. A Panel of experienced industry professionals will be sharing their knowledge and expertise to help you understand the steps of buying a home. Receive helpful tips and valuable information about the Loan Pre-Approval and Loan Application Process.

Everyone counts: Why the census matters more than ever

The 2020 Census gets underway soon and it’s critical that every person living in the county is counted to secure federal funding for medical services, including clinics and children’s health insurance, housing, emergency preparedness, nutrition programs, infrastructure and a host of other services.

Seton needs new heroes

Whether you are an orphan, a prisoner, sick, a refugee, homeless or mentally ill, the Daughters of Charity for nearly 400 years provided charitable health care for the most vulnerable among us. They’ve been the heroes of the poor for centuries all around the world.

How you can stop Medicare fraud by Supervisor David J. Canepa

Depending on which side of the aisle you sit on, the future of Medicare either looks grim or promising as its fiscal strength shows signs of improvement despite the program being constantly under siege by fraudsters. In Congress, there has been talks for years now to either phase out the medical insurance program that benefits nearly 58 million Americans, the vast majority seniors, or possibly even privatize it.

Supervisor David J. Canepa says Internet exchange zones can save lives

San Mateo County will be one of the first in the state to implement the exchange zone and follows Daly City, which established its zone last year at City Hall directly in front of the police station.

Better Food For Better Living

Do you or someone you know need help putting food on the table? Qualifying for food assistance might be easier than you think. A family of four earning $40,000 or less can qualify for CalFresh, and if you just need food to tide your family over until your next paycheck, Second Harvest Food Bank may be able to help.

Discount Prescriptions

Taking care of your family's health is a priority, so the next time you find yourself in need of prescription medication save up to 65% just by using a free Discount Prescription Card that can be used at more than 59,000 pharmacies nationwide, including all chain and most independent pharmacies. The card was made available to San Mateo County residents by the Board of Supervisors in 2009. Residents can obtain this convenient card without qualifying, paying a fee, or meeting any deadlines.  It's ready to use.