Reserve Memorial Park Sites for Camping with Dogs by Phone

Huckleberry Flat, a camping area for dogs and their owners at Memorial Park, are reserved by phone only. Visitors are required to bring a dog when staying in this area.

Board Approves New Dog Camping in Memorial County Park Starting in September

Coming Soon: On July 25, the Board of Supervisors approved a proposal for to introduce dog-friendly campsites at Memorial County Park beginning this September.

SMC Parks Off-Leash Dog Pilot Program Data

View monitoring data for our Off-Leash Dog Pilot Program at Pillar Point Bluff and Quarry Park.

Parks For You And Your Dog

Visit any of several San Mateo County Park locations that allow for recreational use by you and your dog.

Quarry Park Off-Leash Pilot Program Approved By Board of Supervisors

At its April 5, 2022 meeting, the Board of Supervisors approved the Department’s appeal to allow an off-leash dog pilot program to proceed at Quarry Park while upholding the Planning Commission’s denial of a Coastal Development Permit for the pilot program at Pillar Point Bluffs.

BOS to Hear Appeal of CDP for Off-Leash Dog Pilot April 5

On Feb 22, 2022 the Parks Department filed an appeal of the San Mateo County Planning Commission’s decision that denied the Department’s application for a Coastal Develop Permit (CDP) for off-leash dog pilot programs at Quarry County Park and Pillar Point Bluffs. The appeal requests to pursue a pilot program at Quarry Park only and not at Pillar Point Bluffs.

Coastside Wildfire Safety & Risk Reduction Meeting

View the Feb 10 informational meeting hosted by San Mateo County Parks and learn about wildfire risk reduction, fuel management, and public safety on the coast.

Off-Leash Dog Pilot Program To Be Presented To Planning Commission

On February 9, San Mateo County Parks will present the Off-Leash Dog Pilot Program to the Planning Commission as part of the Coastal Development Permit process.

Board Of Supervisors Approves Dog Pilot Program

At their November 9 meeting held via video conference, the Board of Supervisors certified the Off-Leash Dog Recreation Pilot Program IS/MND and approved the pilot that will introduce off-leash dog access at Quarry Park and Pillar Point Bluff, on a trial basis. At the November 16 Board of Supervisors meeting, the ordinance allowing the pilot will be read into the County ordinance code.

Dog Pilot Program CEQA Document Review

A Draft Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) for the Off-leash Dog Recreation Pilot Program at Pillar Point Bluff and Quarry Park was posted for public review and comment from July 15 to August 13, 2021.

Board of Supervisors Appoints 14 Residents to District Lines Advisory Commission

Applications now being accepted for 15th and final seat on the commission

Voters save Caltrain with Measure RR passage in all three counties

Voters in the three counties served by Caltrain passed a measure that will add a one one-eighth cent sales tax in each county to help the financially struggling rail system. Measure RR will provide Caltrain an estimated $100 million annually for the next 30 years to help fund operations, including expansion of service and capacity, as well as major capital projects. The measure needs to pass by two-thirds among the ballots cast in San Francisco, San Mateo and Santa Clara counties.