Oriental Fruit Fly Find - San Mateo County

On June 30, 2022 the San Mateo County Agriculture Department pest detection team found a single Oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis) in a baited trap in Menlo Park. The team followed up with a delimitation survey that includes 40 traps within one square mile of the find. This is in addition to 80 existing traps within the 8 square miles surrounding the find. No new Oriental fruit flies have been detected. Oriental fruit flies are an invasive pest native to southern Asia, that has become established in Hawaii.

Vacancy Announcement for LGBTQ Commission

For Immediate Release - Notice of Vacancy Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) Commission             President of the Board of Supervisors Don Horsley announced that applications for appointment to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) Commission are being accepted (About the Commission). There are currently three (3) vacancies. To be eligible, applicants must live in San Mateo County. The ideal candidate will possess several of the following attributes:

RFP: Security Systems Maintenance and Support Services

The San Mateo County Probation Department seeks qualified applicants who can provide comprehensive security systems maintenance and support services at the Youth Services Center (YSC) Juvenile Hall and Camp Kemp facilities located in San Mateo. Services include: maintaining door locks, duress buttons, central control software, security camera hardware and software, and media storage.