Mid-morning on September 8, 2022, Ms. Karina Castro was brutally killed in a domestic violence incident. “As co-chairs of the San Mateo County Domestic Violence Council, Supervisor Groom and I are shocked and saddened to hear about the tragic and senseless death of Ms. Karina Castro in San Carlos on September 8, 2022. Ms. Castro is more than the headlines you will see about her death,” said Elisa Kuhl, Victim Services Program Manager of the San Mateo County District Attorney’s Office.
The San Mateo County Pride Center has been working hard to develop resources for the LGBTQ+ community and our allies/advocates. If it's not a training or community gathering, the Pride Center has clinical services and peer groups to offer. It has also mobilized its many years of relationships and partnerships to develop helpful guides and information that are super easy to access and download.
On June 30, 2022 the San Mateo County Agriculture Department pest detection team found a single Oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis) in a baited trap in Menlo Park. The team followed up with a delimitation survey that includes 40 traps within one square mile of the find. This is in addition to 80 existing traps within the 8 square miles surrounding the find. No new Oriental fruit flies have been detected. Oriental fruit flies are an invasive pest native to southern Asia, that has become established in Hawaii.
For Immediate Release - Notice of Vacancy Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) Commission