RFQ: Gang Prevention and Intervention

The County of San Mateo seeks by way of this RFQ to obtain quotes from all qualified providers who have knowledge and expertise with providing gang intervention and prevention services, or similar services. The tentative target start date and term for the proposed services is December 2016 through December 2018, subject to negotiation of a final agreement.

RFQ: Educational and Vocational Services for the Bridges Program

This RFQ seeks responses from any and all qualified agencies or individuals to provide educational and vocational services for the San Mateo County Probation Department’s Bridges Program. The targeted commencement date and term for the proposed services is January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017, subject to negotiation and final agreement. 

Public Safety Dispatchers Are the Vital Link

"No day is ever routine - one call may be a minor traffic accident, while the next is a frantic voice screaming for help." Rarely will you ever get a chance to meet the hundreds of people who call for help, yet they'll depend on your voice, your directions, and your knowledge to get through an emergency.