July 30, 2020-County Joins State Monitoring List, County Manager Media Briefing, Testing Locations, and Current COVID-19 Case Count

The County of San Mateo continues to work to protect public health and safety in response to the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19.

Call 2-1-1 for Non-Medical, Non-Emergency Questions About Coronavirus

The County of San Mateo has replaced a local call center number with a new service that will more than double the hours residents can get information about the coronavirus (also known as COVID-19) – 2-1-1.

County of San Mateo Opens COVID-19 Public Call Center

Local emergencies announced to position resources for extended response

Dog Pilot Program Underway

A pilot program is underway to introduce additional on-leash recreational opportunities in San Mateo County Parks for dogs and their owners.

Housing Resources

Home Share by Hip Housing  What is Home Sharing? Our Home Sharing program helps match individuals seeking housing with people who have a room to rent.

Dog Work Group Begins December 3

The Dog Work Group began work on December 3 to review new actions regarding dog recreational use and to begin developing pilot programs.

Dog Ordinance Changes Approved

On Oct 23, the SMC Board of Supervisors took the first step to amend County ordinance sections governing dog recreation in San Mateo County Parks.

San Mateo County Arts Commission Public Grant Review Panel

The San Mateo County Arts Commission has received 25 grant applications for the 2017 year. San Mateo County nonprofit arts organizations applied for either Project/Program Support or Organizational Support. A meeting to review the applications is open to all applicants and members of the public.