Zonehaven resources mapping tool <image> Samaritan House volunteer <image> Using computer to access online County resources <image>


Find resources in your neighborhood

COVID-19 and the Shelter in Place Order may be making it more challenging to find out which essential businesses are open for necessities like medical care and pharmaciessocial services, take-out restaurants and more. Just enter your address in the upper left of the mapping tool from Zonehaven and find out what is available in your neighborhood. Then click any category to view your local options. See the screenshot below for a preview.

PRO TIP: After clicking on any category, you will find additional results when you click the small, black funnel icon near the upper right of each category list (see the second screenshot below). Try it on the Zonehaven site and see!

Also, find a wide variety of resources and services on the COVID-19 Community Resources page.


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