Space Rental Information

2. Type of unit currently occupying space:
5. Did the monthly space rent change at any time in 2015? (Attach additional pages if it changed more than once in 2015.)
6. Was any credit, discount, or other reduction applied to the monthly space rent at any time in 2015 such that the space rent was different than the amount in response #4?
(Attach additional pages if needed or if more than one credit, discount, or other reduction was applied to the monthly Space Rent for this space in 2015.)

Converted Use Spaces

1. Was the mobile home space listed in #1 in the space rental information section converted from use by a mobile home to any other use within 2015?
(attach additional pages if it changed more than once in 2015)
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the information contained in this Annual Reporting Form is true and correct.
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