Supervisor Gauthier's Committees for 2025
Much of the work of a county supervisor takes place on the various boards and commissions that we serve on. These committees further the work of the county and play important roles in moving our collective agenda forward. Some of these committees are focused locally on San Mateo County and some are focused regionally. All play an important role in policy and program delivery. I'm proud to represent the Board of Supervisors on the following Boards and Commissions:
Regional Boards and Commissions
Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) General Assembly: ABAG stands for the Association of Bay Area Governments. Our mission is to strengthen cooperation and collaboration across local governments to build healthier, stronger communities.
ABAG is part regional planning agency and part local government service provider. We accomplish our goals by providing planning services and cost-effective ABAG member services to local governments struggling with rising costs and diminishing incomes.
Urban Counties of California (UCC) Board of Directors - Alternate
San Mateo County Boards and Commissions
City/County Association of Governments (C/CAG): C/CAG deals with issues that affect the quality of life in general; transportation, air quality, stormwater runoff, hazardous waste, solid waste and recycling, land use near airports, and abandoned vehicle abatement.
Emergency Services Council: The purpose of the organization is to operate pursuant to Presidential Directive 5, the National Response Framework, National Incident Management System (NIMS), Presidential Directive 8, the National Preparedness Goal and California's Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) and local adopted Emergency Operations Plans and Annexes.
Home for All Steering Council: Home for All SMC is a collaborative initiative comprised of the County of San Mateo, local governments, school districts, community-based organizations, faith-based organizations, advocacy groups and businesses.
Housing Endowment and Regional Trust (HEART) of San Mateo County: HEART meets critical housing needs in San Mateo County by providing land acquisition, rehabilitation, and early funding to affordable housing projects for low-income residents.
Redwood City Together: Redwood City Together advances the success of youth and families in Redwood City and North Fair Oaks through community collaboration.
San Mateo County Flood and Sea Level Rise Resiliency District (One Shoreline)
San Mateo County Libraries Joint Powers Authority (JPA) Governing Board
Working Together to End Homelessness - BoS Ad Hoc Committees
Commission on Disabilities (CoD) - Liaison
North Fair Oaks Community Council (NFOCC) - Liaison: The North Fair Oaks Community Council provides recommendations on the issues of community health, safety, welfare, public works and planning for the North Fair Oaks geographic area.
Veterans Commission - Liaison
Community Corrections Partnership (CCP) - Alternate
Your Opportunities To Serve!
The County of San Mateo has 35 Boards and Commissions whose members help to improve the quality of life in San Mateo County. I invite you to review them, and if you're interested, please apply! We depend on dedicated commissioners to develop policy recommendations and raise awareness for the work underway. Whenever creative minds gather to make things better - we all benefit!
Here are the Boards and Commissions:
Here are the posted current vacancies: