Frequently Asked Questions
How long will the total construction time be / duration of the project?
The project includes 340 working days. The majority of the work including the sewer line, joint trench, new sidewalks, street and pedestrian lights, paving and striping is anticipated to be completed by September 21, 2022. Work outside of the 340 working days includes the joint poles that will be removed approximately 18 months after completion of the joint trench work and is anticipated to be completed by November 15, 2023.
Will there be free parking or paid/meters?
Once the construction is completed, the parking will continue to be limited in duration (no metered or paid parking).
Will there be help during construction (loans, rent relief, utilities)?
The County is working on a mitigation plan to respond to business needs.
San Mateo County Legal Aide provides community education, legal representation, systemic advocacy and collaboration with community partners: (650) 558-0915 or visit their website at www.legalaidsmc.org.
Will clients have access to business entrances?
For each phase of construction, the contractor shall provide pedestrian customers, customer vehicles, and delivery vehicles access to businesses when the area is closed to through traffic. In general, the contractor shall immediately provide access to all entrances after the removal of adjacent concrete improvements (during sidewalk demolition), prior to and after placement of formwork and after placement of concrete. The contractor shall maintain access to all affected entrances until the County has approved removal. If the required work will not allow for immediate access throughout the day, the contractor shall provide 48 hour advance notice, and access shall be restored the same day. If special circumstances are present requiring a longer duration of interruptions of access, a maximum driveway closure of two days may be requested and must be approved by the business/property owner and County.
If utilities are to be cut off, when will we be notified?
Utilities will remain active until individual purveyors pull underground Joint Trench cable and make connections to individual customers. Each respective utility purveyor (I.e. PG&E, AT&T, Verizon, etc.) will work to notify the business/property owners of when the service disconnect/reconnect will occur. For sanitary sewer related work, Contractor shall notify the business/property owner not less than 2 working days prior to start of any work that a disruption of service will occur. Notification shall include the date and estimate time of disruption. Sanitary sewer shall be re-established at the end of the workday.