Board Of Supervisors Approves Dog Pilot Program

At their November 9 meeting held via video conference, the Board of Supervisors certified the Off-Leash Dog Recreation Pilot Program IS/MND and approved the pilot that will introduce off-leash dog access at Quarry Park and Pillar Point Bluff, on a trial basis. At the November 16 Board of Supervisors meeting, the ordinance allowing the pilot will be read into the County ordinance code.

Dog Pilot Program CEQA Document Review

A Draft Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) for the Off-leash Dog Recreation Pilot Program at Pillar Point Bluff and Quarry Park was posted for public review and comment from July 15 to August 13, 2021.

Call 2-1-1 for Non-Medical, Non-Emergency Questions About Coronavirus

The County of San Mateo has replaced a local call center number with a new service that will more than double the hours residents can get information about the coronavirus (also known as COVID-19) – 2-1-1.

Everyone counts: Why the census matters more than ever

The 2020 Census gets underway soon and it’s critical that every person living in the county is counted to secure federal funding for medical services, including clinics and children’s health insurance, housing, emergency preparedness, nutrition programs, infrastructure and a host of other services.

Holiday Cheer and Solutions to Homelessness

I joined the Veterans Commission to deliver gifts to Haven Family House. But, that is not all I am doing to help homeless families.  

Dog Pilot Program Underway

A pilot program is underway to introduce additional on-leash recreational opportunities in San Mateo County Parks for dogs and their owners.

There is No Place Like Home - Redwood Trailer Village

There is no place like home.  And even when the place your family calls home is substandard, when you are about to be displaced because where you live is being sold, it is unsettling. Redwood Trailer Village was such a place.  

Dog Work Group Begins December 3

The Dog Work Group began work on December 3 to review new actions regarding dog recreational use and to begin developing pilot programs.

Dog Ordinance Changes Approved

On Oct 23, the SMC Board of Supervisors took the first step to amend County ordinance sections governing dog recreation in San Mateo County Parks.

Seton needs new heroes

Whether you are an orphan, a prisoner, sick, a refugee, homeless or mentally ill, the Daughters of Charity for nearly 400 years provided charitable health care for the most vulnerable among us. They’ve been the heroes of the poor for centuries all around the world.