San Carlos Airport Part 150 Noise Compatibility Program

San Carlos Airport Part 150 Noise Compatibility Program. Copies of the Part 150 Noise Compatibility Program for San Carlos Airport are available for reference within the attachment below.  Docket Number FAA-2013-0259 on

Online UAS Notification

You can now notify the San Carlos & Half Moon Bay Airport online prior to your non-commercial UAS operations!

Public Advisory Freeze Alert

Frigid temperatures and gusty winds can cause pipes to freeze. Property owners and residents can take some simple precautions to prevent the inconvenience and expense of frozen water pipes.

Supervisor Groom Elected Board President; Calls San Mateo County ‘Collaborative, Innovative, Cooperative’

Supervisor Carole Groom will serve as president of the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors in 2015. She was elected president by her four colleagues at a meeting Tuesday morning at the Board of Supervisors Chambers in Redwood City.