RFP: Youth Activities and Mental Health Services

The San Mateo County Probation Department seeks qualified providers of programs and services for youth in custody at the Youth Services Center-Juvenile Hall and/or Camp Kemp, as well as those who have been released back to their communities.

RFP: Youth and Family Programs

The San Mateo County Probation Department seeks qualified providers of community-based youth and family programs for juvenile probationers and at-risk youth.

Oriental Fruit Fly Find - San Mateo County

On June 30, 2022 the San Mateo County Agriculture Department pest detection team found a single Oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis) in a baited trap in Menlo Park. The team followed up with a delimitation survey that includes 40 traps within one square mile of the find. This is in addition to 80 existing traps within the 8 square miles surrounding the find. No new Oriental fruit flies have been detected. Oriental fruit flies are an invasive pest native to southern Asia, that has become established in Hawaii.