Penalty Fees for Unauthorized Tree Removal

Did you know there are new penalty fees of $2,500 to $10,000 per tree for the unauthorized removal of Significant and Heritage Trees?

County of San Mateo Finances Strong but New Budget Urges Prudence

County Manager looks to future uncertainties in FY 2017-19 recommended budget.

Controller wins GFOA award for FY 15/16 CAFR

For Immediate Release Redwood City —  Continuing its winning streak, the San Mateo County Controller’s Office was honored for a 17th straight year with the highest recognition in governmental accounting and financial reporting.

Board of Supervisors Commits Funds for Affordable Housing

Supervisors direct Measure K revenue to bolster money for housing.

San Mateo County 2017 Biennial Homeless Count Data Released

For Immediate Release                                                                                               

Call for Nominations for San Mateo County Veterans of the Year

For Immediate Release Call for Nominations for San Mateo County Veterans of the Year

Board of Supervisors Endorses Affordable Housing Plan

Supervisors looking at ways to increase funding to $50 million.

County of San Mateo Releases Draft Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment

The County of San Mateo’s Office of Sustainability's draft Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment is a tool to guide the County and its cities in policy and adaptation planning by identifying assets and communities of potential risk throughout San Mateo County.

RFP: Program Evaluation Services

This Request for Proposals is for the evaluation of services for programs that promote resiliency, pro-social behavior, and emotional wellbeing and youth and family programs that increase developmental assets and decrease youth involvement in the juvenile justice system. These services are funded by the YOBG, JJCPA, and JPCF. 

County discussing policies to support immigrants: Supervisors set to discuss legal defense fund, language policies

By Samantha Weigel, San Mateo Daily Journal. In an acknowledgment of San Mateo County’s diversity and inspired by the nation’s changing immigration policies, the Board of Supervisors is considering ways to support those facing deportation or language barriers. County officials will host a study session Tuesday, March 28, on actions to support immigrants that include setting up a legal defense fund, creating an access policy across county departments for non-English speakers, and establishing a new Office of Community Affairs.