Sept. 16, 2021: Redistricting: Shape San Mateo County's Future!

Redistricting, or the redrawing of district lines based on population data, is a once-in-a-decade opportunity to ensure a fair democratic process at the local level. Here in San Mateo County, the effort is led by 2021 Supervisorial District Lines Advisory Commission. The commission is seeking your input and ideas for the County's five supervisorial districts.   The commission's next meeting will be at 9 a.m. this Saturday, September 18. Learn more at

Aug. 20, 2021: Supervisorial District Lines Advisory Commission Launches First Hearing on Wednesday, Aug. 25

Redwood City – The San Mateo County Supervisorial District Lines Advisory Commission will hold the first in a series of meetings at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 25, 2021. This first meeting launches a months-long public process to hear from the community about district boundaries for electing the Board of Supervisors for the next decade. The agenda is posted on under the schedule tab.

Aug. 3, 2021: Board of Supervisors Appoints 14 Residents to District Lines Advisory Commission

Applications now being accepted for 15th and final seat on the commission Redwood City – The Board of Supervisors today appointed 14 residents reflecting the diversity of San Mateo County to the District Lines Advisory Commission.

Apply Now for the 2021 Supervisorial District Lines Advisory Commission

The San Mateo County Board of Supervisors is seeking applicants interested in serving on the 2021 Supervisorial District Lines Advisory Commission. Once formed, the 11-member Commission will hold a series of public meetings to study the boundaries of the County’s five supervisorial districts. The Commission’s work will be supported by a professional demographer and County staff.

Methods to submit verifications during COVID

IMPORTANT NOTICE! In accordance with the new social distancing mandate issued by county officials, clients are strongly encouraged to submit verifications using the following methods:

Un Libro Sobre El Censo

¡Este es un video para los niños sobre el censo! ¿Sabía que los datos del Censo 2020 ayudarán a nuestras escuelas a recibir fondos críticos para pagar a nuestros maestros y educar a nuestros hijos? ¡Mira el video con sus hijos y cuente hoy para garantizar un sistema educativo de calidad para nuestra comunidad! 

Everyone counts: Why the census matters more than ever

The 2020 Census gets underway soon and it’s critical that every person living in the county is counted to secure federal funding for medical services, including clinics and children’s health insurance, housing, emergency preparedness, nutrition programs, infrastructure and a host of other services.

Seton needs new heroes

Whether you are an orphan, a prisoner, sick, a refugee, homeless or mentally ill, the Daughters of Charity for nearly 400 years provided charitable health care for the most vulnerable among us. They’ve been the heroes of the poor for centuries all around the world.

Community Conversations: Cannabis in North Fair Oaks

One of the aspects I enjoy the most as District 4 Supervisor is engaging with the community and listening to the voices of all residents. A few months ago, I had the idea of creating a series of several different informal “Community Conversations” on hot topics that impact District 4 residents.

Expanded offshore drilling terrible for state

Drilling for oil off the coast of California has been something most people thought had been forbidden for decades. When the issue was recently revived as a possibility by the current federal government administration, the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors decided to join almost every other California jurisdiction in fighting back against the idea. A resolution was approved unanimously at the Jan. 23 board meeting supporting a continuing ban on new offshore oil and gas drilling, fracking and other well stimulation in federal and state waters.

Getting to know Broadmoor from the office of Supervisor David J. Canepa

We have had a blast making the videos this year showcasing our district.  Please enjoy the latest episode which focuses on Broadmoor:

Stop killer robots by San Mateo County Supervisor, David J. Canepa

David J. Canepa represents District 5 on the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors.   Last month, I picked up a copy of the Daily Journal and came across a headline on the opinion page that read: “Robots, drones and bots too — potentially the end of us?”