Triple Crown for County Finance Teams - Three Documents, Three Awards.

Redwood City – The County of San Mateo pulled off another coveted triple crown with its three primary financial documents for the past 2022 fiscal year that showcase the spirit of transparency and full disclosure.

HACSM Implements Attorney General’s Guidance on Rent Increases

Housing Authorities across California, including the Housing Authority of the County of San Mateo (HACSM), have received new guidance from California’s Attorney General, Rob Bonta, on their role in enforcing the Tenant Protection Act of 2019 (TPA). Among other tenant protections, the TPA prohibited annual rent increases greater than the lower of 10% or 5% plus inflation according to the regional Consumer Price Index.

Engagement Surveys UPDATED DEADLINE: Oct 20

The Commission on the Status of Women have extended the deadline to take their two engagement surveys. The Commission is seeking community input in two areas of focus: economic stability and child-care. We invite you to read our purpose for both surveys and how your input will help direct reports we will write that will be submitted to the Board of Supervisors. We invite you to take the surveys and share this page with your community.

A Summer of Prescribed Fires

Within the last few years, in a bid to reduce wildfire risk throughout the county, Collamer and firefighters from both our unit and partnering agencies have successfully executed several prescribed fires, including 20-acres on the field between Filoli Historic House and Garden and Cañada Road. The property is on San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Watershed (SFPUC) land.

2022 Property Tax Highlights Publication Press Release

For Immediate Release May 8, 2023 Contact: Kristie Silva, Assistant Controller (650) 363-4777