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7th Avenue from Middlefield Road to Edison Way
North Fair Oaks

About the Project

Reconstruction of Seventh Avenue from Middlefield Road to Edison Way in the North Fair Oaks Area.

Reconstruct road to 37-feet of pavement and 2-foot wide curb and gutters on both sides for Seventh (7th) Avenue, from Middlefield Road to Park Road.

Reconstruct road to 18-feet of pavement and 3-foot wide valley gutters on both sides for Seventh (7th) Avenue, from Park Road to Edison Way.


Interstate Grading and Paving, Inc.

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Seventh Avenue road with text overlay
Construction Week # 17 - Updates (Week of September 3, 2018)

No work will be performed on Labor Day (9/3/2018)
Contractor will install the two wooden barricades/gates on 7th Avenue at Edison Way and at Midlefield Road
Contractor will install pavement markings and markers
Contractor will continue adjusting sanitary sewer manholes to grade
***IMPORTANT REMINDER*** The No-Parking restrictions, as posted, remain in effect Monday through Friday from 8 am until 5 pm. Please adhere to the No-Parking restrictions.

Construction Week # 16 - Updates (Week of August 27, 2018)

Contractor will asphalt pave the full length of 7th Avenue, between Edison Way and Middlefield Road
Contractor will asphalt pave all of the called for in the plans shoulder areas, between Park Road and Edison Way
***IMPORTANT REMINDER*** The No-Parking restrictions, as posted, remain in effect Monday through Friday from 8 am until 5 pm. Please do not park on the street during the No-Parking days and hours.

Construction Week # 15 - Updates (Week of August 20, 2018)

Prime Contractor, Interstate Grading & Paving, Inc. will continue performing earth work
Sub-Contractor, Griffin Soil, will start and finish the sub-base soil cement treatment work
***IMPORTANT REMINDER*** The No-Parking restrictions, as posted, remain in effect Monday through Friday from 8 am until 5 pm. Please do not park on the street during the No-Parking days and hours.

Construction Week # 14 - Updates (Week of August 13, 2018)

Contractor will perform existing asphalt pavement removal and rough grading along 7th, between Edison Way and Middlefield Road
Contractor will perform deep excavation work along the Park Road short area from street conform with 7th Avenue towards the project limit on Park Road
***IMPORTANT REMINDER*** The No-Parking restrictions, as posted, remain in effect Monday through Friday from 8 am until 5 pm.

Construction Week # 13 - Updates (Week of August 6, 2018)

Contractor might pour concrete driveway
Contractor will perform miscellaneous construction work
***IMPORTANT REMINDER*** The No-Parking restrictions, as posted, remain in effect Monday through Friday from 8 am until 5 pm

Construction Week # 12 - Updates (Week of July 30, 2018)

Contractor will pour the remaining reinforced concrete chicanes
Contractor will perform miscellaneous construction work, in preparation for the grinding and removal of the existing asphalt pavement 
***IMPORTANT REMINDER*** The No-Parking restrictions, as posted, remain in effect Monday through Friday from 8 am until 5 pm

Construction Week # 11 - Updates (Week of July 23, 2018)

Contractor will finish pouring the concrete curb and gutter on the north side of 7th Ave (between Middlefield Road and Park Road)
Contractor will pour the 4' wide, 8" thick reinforced concrete valley gutter crossing Park Road at the street intersection with 7th Avenue
Contractor will attempt to pour all of the remaining concrete chicanes along 7th Avenue, and install the Low Impact Development (LID) behind the four chicanes between Park Road and Edison Way
Contractor will lower all the various srface utilities (Sanitary Sewer Manholes, and PG&E Gas Valve Boxes), in anticipation of grinding the existing asphalt pavement surface and the cement treatment of 11" thick sub-base below the existing asphalt pavement
***IMPORTANT REMINDER*** The No-Parking restrictions, as posted, remain in effect Monday through Friday from 8 am until 5 pm.

Construction Week # 10 - Updates (Week of July 16, 2018)

Contractor will pour more sections of the concrete curb and gutter on both sides of 7th Avenue (between Middlefield Road and Park Road)
Contractor will pour more street concrete chicanes
Contractor will attempt to excavate, grade, place baserock, and prepare to pour the 4' wide concrete cross-valley gutter at the 7th Avenue street intersection with Park Road
***IMPORTANT REMINDER*** The No-Parking restrictions, as posted, remain in effect Monday through Friday from 8 am until 5 pm.

Construction Week # 09 - Updates (Week of July 9, 2018)

Contractor will pour the last section of the concrete curb and gutter on the south side of 7th Avenue at Middlefield Road
Contractor will pour concrete curb and gutter on the north side of 7th Avenue starting at Middlefield Road towards Park Road
Contractor will continue excavation work for the new concrete curb and gutter on the north side of 7th Avenue (between Middlefield Road and Park Road)
***IMPORTANT REMINDER*** The No-Parking restrictions, as posted, remain in effect Monday through Friday from 8 am until 5 pm.

Construction Week # 08 - Updates (Week of July 2, 2018)

Contractor will pour more sections of the concrete curb and gutter on the south side of 7th Avenue (between Park Road and Middlefield Road),
Contractor will attempt to pour one concrete chicane on the south side of 7th Avenue, across from 425 7th Avenue,
No construction work activities next Wednesday July 4th. HAPPY 4th OF JULY.
***IMPORTANT REMINDER*** The No-Parking restrictions remain in effect on 7th Avenue as posted, Monday through Friday from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm.

Construction Week # 07 - Updates (Week of June 25, 2018)

Contractor will pour the 3' wide concrete valley gutter on the south side of the 7th Avenue and Park Road street intersection
Contractor will pour sections of the concrete curb and gutter on the south side of 7th Avenue (between Park Road and Middlefield Road)
Contractor will continue excavating and grading driveways approaches/conforms on the south side of 7th Avenue (between Park Road and Middlefield Road)
***IMPORTANT REMINDER*** - The No-Parking restrictions remain in effect on 7th Avenue as posted. Please help the Contractor not to tow vehicles by adhering to the parking restrictions between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday.

Construction Week # 06 - Updates (Week of June 18, 2018)

Contractor will continue working on driveways' conforms asphalt concrete paving and on shoulders conforms, on both sides of 7th Avenue (between Edison Way and Park Road)
Contractor's licensed land surveyor will be on site staking and marking new concrete curb and gutter limits. Do Not Park where "No-Parking" is posted
Contractor will start excavating driveways approaches and concrete curb on 7th Avenue (between Park Road and Middlefield Road), and as white painted on all properties' driveways and at the back of the street's concrete curb
Potentially, the Contractor will work to install new reinforced concrete chicanes, replacing the removed chicanes on 7th Ave (between Edison Way and Park Road)
***IMPORTANT REMINDER*** - The No-Parking restrictions remain in effect on 7th Avenue as posted. Vehicles found to be in violation of the posted No-Parking hours will be towed. County's staff and Contractor's staff will do their best not to tow vehicles. 

Construction Week # 05 - Updates (Week of June 11, 2018)

All of the 3' wide concrete valley gutter sections on 7th Avenue (between Edison Way and Park Road) will be completed as the concrete sub-contractor pours the last 3' wide concrete valley gutter section on the north side of the street, about 200' away from Park Road
Contractor will continue installing driveways conforms for properties on 7th Avenue (between Edison Way and Park Road)
Potential work on 7th Avenue (between park Road and Middlefield Road), saw cutting and removing sections of existing concrete curb and gutter, and driveways approachs
***IMPORTANT REMINDER*** - The No-Parking restrictions remain in effect on 7th Avenue as posted. Please help the Contractor not to tow vehicles by adhering to the parking restrictions between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. 

Construction Week # 04 - Updates (Week of June 4, 2018)

Last section of the 3' wide concrete valley gutter will be poured on the south side of the street (between Edison Way and Park Road)
Start of the 3' wide concrete valley gutter pour on the north side of the street (between Edison Way and Park Road)
Additional excavation for the 3' wide concrete valley gutter on the north side of the street (between Edison Way and Park Road)
***IMPORTANT REMINDER*** - The No-Parking restrictions remain in effect on 7th Avenue as posted.

Construction Week #03 - Updates (Week of May 28, 2018)

The Contractor will not be working on Monday, May 28, 2018 (Memorial Day)
Additional concrete valley gutter will be poured on the south side of the street (between Edison Way and Park Road)
Excavation for the 3' wide concrete valley gutter on the north side of the street (between Edison Way and Park Road) is scheduled to begin
***IMPORTANT REMINDER*** - The No-Parking restrictions remain in effect on 7th Avenue as posted, between the hours of 8 am and 5 pm, Monday through Friday. To avoid having your vehicle(s) towed, do not park on the street where it is posted for no parking. The equipment used for the road project are large and the street is relatively narrow. Complying with these parking restrictions helps the contractor complete the scheduled work, eliminates the need to tow cars, and reduces potential damages to vehicles. We appreciate your assistance with this issue as we work to complete this Project.

Construction Week # 02 - Updates (Week of May 21, 2018)

Continue Excavation work for the 3' wide concrete valley gutter (between Edison Way and Park Road)
First concrete pour of a section of the 3' wide concrete valley gutter (between Edison Way and Park Road)

Construction Week # 01 - Updates (Week of May 14, 2018)

Mobilization of Contractor’s Equipment & Appurtenances
Installing Traffic Control Devices
Potholing for Utilities