Overall Project Description Utility Undergrounding Sanitary Sewer Replacement Clinic / Redwood Junction Innovation Frequently Asked Questions
Overall Project Description

The Project consists of the following components: roadway improvements including a new traffic signal system near and including the South County Health Clinic (Clinic)/Redwood Junction driveway, pedestrian and bicycle improvements, utility undergrounding, sanitary sewer replacement work, public WiFi along the Project corridor, and replacing the existing streetlights with a new streetlight system. The roadway improvements will reconfigure Middlefield Road between Pacific Avenue and Fifth Avenue from a four-lane roadway to a three-lane roadway (one travel lane in each direction with a center left turn lane) with parallel parking, bike lanes, and wider sidewalks. The wider sidewalks will accommodate the street amenities recommended by the North Fair Oaks Community Council (benches, trees and landscaping, streetlights, trash receptacles, street art, and public spaces) and low-impact development features for stormwater quality management.

Utility Undergrounding

The utility undergrounding work will include placing the overhead utility wires underground and removing the existing utility poles between MacArthur Avenue and Fifth Avenue.

Construction of new underground utility system will include utility trenches, generally in the new southbound travel lane of Middlefield Road, and utility vaults or boxes in the new sidewalk.

Sanitary Sewer Replacement

Sanitary sewer replacement work includes replacing the existing sewer lines between Douglas Avenue and Sixth Avenue as part of the Fair Oaks Sewer Maintenance District’s planned capital improvement work.

Clinic / Redwood Junction

The Clinic/Redwood Junction driveway work includes relocation and modification of the driveway, replacement and relocation of railroad track signal and equipment, and installation of a new traffic signal system with railroad preemption (connectivity of traffic signals to the railroad signal system and oncoming trains). Modifications required by the Union Pacific Railroad in connection with the traffic signal work include restricting traffic on Northside Avenue to only allow a right turn from Northside Avenue to Middlefield Road. Accessing Northside Avenue from Middlefield Road or turning left from Northside Avenue to Middlefield Road will not be allowed after the Project is completed.


DPW is partnering with the Information Services Department’s (ISD) Innovation Program to create an innovation layer of “Smart City” technologies and “Internet of Things” (IoT) solutions that would complement the streetscape design already created by DPW. The goal is to make this section of unincorporated Middlefield Road the most connected, data-driven corridor in the County. It is the County’s belief that if we put data and digital technology to work, it will result in better policy decisions and improved government service delivery. ISD will be installing several advanced smart solutions to improve pedestrian and visitor access and arrival, enhance community experience and safety, support businesses, and provide insights to deliver new County services. These additions include free SMC Public Wi-Fi, smart parking, connected streetlights, digital signage and kiosks, smart trash bins and benches, and traffic monitoring with pedestrian analytics.

Frequently Asked Questions