Map/Drafting Services

  • Maintains updated County-Wide mapping program
  • Maintains Recorded Map Indexes
  • Maintains City and Special District Map Indexes, including school districts and maintains associated legal description files used in their formation
  • Produces detailed construction maps for County Road Projects
  • Maintains County maintained Road Right-of-way Maps and deeds
  • Provides maps for Public use for various Political jurisdictions: Senate, Assembly, Congressional, and Supervisorial.

NOTE - Acceptable forms of payment for maps or plans and specifications are by cash or check only (no large bills please)

Updated County Wide Maps For Sale - Map Order Form

SCALE 1" = 400' Base Maps
Shows City Limit boundaries, street names and Road R/W, parcels in unincorporated areas. Updated 1/1/98 $5.00 each.

SCALE 1" = 400' Aerial Photography:
1995 Aerial flight flown at 12,000'. Orthophoto Maps cover entire County. Also available 1981 and 1970 Orthophoto Maps at 1" = 400' scale 5.00 each.

SCALE 1" = 400' Contour Base Composite:
Base map overlays with contours. 1"=20' contour intervals and spots elevations. 1"=10' contours and 5'intermediate contours in level areas $5.00 each.

SCALE 1" = 400' Orthophoto Composite:
Base Map, contour and Aerial overlays.  1995, 1981
Diazo prints available. 24"X36" overall 174 Maps, Alpha/Numeric map grid $5.00 each.

SCALE 1" = 800' Collier-Burns Maps
Show same information as Base Maps, and include County, State, Federal and Regional Park Boundaries within County. 24"x36" 48 Maps numeric grid $5.00 each.

SCALE 1" = 5000' Official County Map 1988
Available in B/W and in Color. Shows same information as Collier Burns Map. Major Street names only. Color Map differentiates cities by color.
Black & White Map  $10.00
Color Map $15.00

SCALE 1"=2000' Official County Map 1988:
County divided into 5 sections labeled 1-5 B/W 36"x48" lithography produced maps. Each map section $10.00

Maintains geographical index for Recorded Parcel Maps, Recorded Subdivision Maps and Licensed Land Survey Maps. (Record of Survey Maps) Xeroxed copies available $5.00 ea. 18"x26".  Copies of Corner Record Map are available for $0.75 per page.

1"=100' SCALE maps are available on most County Maintained Roads, Map shows detailed acquisition information and road Right of way widths 12"x36" $5.00 ea.

Supplemental drawing details to the California State Department of Transportation:
Standard Plans - includes Road Standards
Storm Drainage Standards
Sanitary Sewer
Standard Structures
County Lighting
County Water

Xeroxed 8 1/2" x 11" Booklet $20.00

Autocad CD 2004  $60.00

Various Political Jurisdictions
State Assembly
State Congressional
State Senate
County Supervisorial
County Judicial

1"=5000' Base Map
Diazo Prints 28"x 46" No charge

City and Special District Maps and Records
a) Geographical Map Indexes of City Annexations and Corresponding Legal descriptions for Boundaries.
b) Special Districts include Geographical Index for school districts -Jr. College, High School and Elementary.
County administered Special Districts:
Water districts
Lighting district
Sewer and Sanitation district
Drainage Flood Control district
County Service Areas COST?