Project Overview

Start Date: 02/16/2016
Estimated End Date: 10/19/2017
Work Hours: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Parking Restrictions: During work hours, and as posted


The main project consists of constructing a replacement bridge approximately 626 feet long and 52 feet wide.  It is a cast-in-place, post-tensioned concrete bridge on top of the Lower Crystal Springs Dam that will be installed approximately seven feet higher than the previous bridge due to the work completed by the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) to raise the parapet wall on the dam.  The previous bridge has been demolished and removed from site.

The project also includes:

  • excavating behind the existing abutment #8, most of which will remain.  Remnant portions of abutment #1 may require removal
  • installing conduit support brackets for a PG&E conduit for the 230 kV electrical transmission line
  • grading, drainage facilities, paving, and vista point area parking lot improvements
  • PG&E’s installing a 230kV electrical transmission line under the bridge and at the bridge approaches

A detailed list of all work to be performed is available on the Project Plans, Standard Specifications, and these Special Provisions.


Skyline Boulevard (Highway 35) between Crystal Springs Road and Bunker Hill Drive


Kiewit Infrastructure West Company


Public Works Number: (650) 363-4100
Public Works Engineer: Carter Choi
Public Works Engineer Email:

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