All Projects


Start Date: June 12, 2017
End Date:  December 29, 2017

Project Description

The work to be done consists, in general, rehabilitation of approximately 1.84 miles of trail by pulverizing the existing pavement, recompacting, and repaving with asphalt concrete on top. The rehabilitated trail would follow the existing trail alignment. The rehabilitated trail will be the same width as the existing trail, which varies between approximately 4 and 6 feet wide, a minimum of 4 feet wide will be maintained throughout the entire rehabilitated trail. 

The work will also consist of creek bank stabilization at three locations along the trail.  Stabilization will consist of keystone or soldier pile wall construction, biotechnical bank improvements, reconstruction of creek channel, revegetation and plant maintenance.

Traffic Advisory
Traffic delays are anticipated at Alpine Road within the project limits - between Westridge Drive in Portola Valley and Stowe Lane in Menlo Park.  Access to the Alpine Road Trail within the project limits will be temporarily closed during the reconstruction of the trail.


Alpine Road - between the County limits approximately 700 feet south of La Mesa Drive and approximately 300 feet north of Stowe Lane in Menlo Park.


Granite Rock

Public Works Contact

Zack Azzari – Senior Civil Engineer

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