Updates as of noon, Wednesday, September 9:
Today: County to Hold Zoom Discussion on Resources, Recovery
San Mateo County Manager Mike Callagy, Supervisor Don Horsley and others involved in the wildfire response and recovery efforts invite Coastside residents impacted by the fires to join a Zoom discussion today at 4 p.m.
The intent is to ensure the community has access to the resources and information they need.
The discussion will be translated live in Spanish.
Who: County of San Mateo, other officials; Coastside residents
What: Discussion of wildfire recovery efforts, access to services
Where: Via Zoom
When: Today (Wednesday, September 9) at 4 p.m.
Disaster Assistance, Recovery Information Online
If you sustained losses from the fires, you can apply for federal assistance online.
Apply with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), at https://www.disasterassistance.gov/ or call 800-621-3362 or 800-462-7585 (TTY).
Additional resources and information are available online at https://www.smcgov.org/smc-wildfire-recovery
The site includes links to information and resources for emergency food and shelter, frequently asked questions about insurance and tax relief, veterans services and additional assistance for health and wellness, vital records and aid for farmers and ranchers, among other services.
Meanwhile, a Local Assistance Center established at Pescadero Elementary School, 620 North St., Pescadero, will close permanently at 7 p.m. today (Wednesday, September 9). Map link.
Following the closure of business, residents may continue to access services at https://www.smcgov.org/smc-wildfire-recovery.
Fire Update
The CZU Lightning Complex series of fires that began August 16 was reported at 83 percent contained as of this morning. The blaze, which has consumed 86,509 acres, did not grow overnight.
The fire destroyed 59 structures in San Mateo County, according to an initial assessment.
Firefighters caution that warm and dry conditions are expected to continue throughout the week, causing new fire starts that could spread rapidly. Firefighters continued to build and bolster containment lines.
Road closures: Canyon Road at Cloverdale Road and Gazos Creek at Cloverdale Road.
Public safety officials urge non-residents to avoid the fire area and that everyone uses caution when driving.
County parks of the Pescadero Creek Complex remain closed, as they are located in the mandatory evacuation zone for the CZU fire. Big Basin, Butano and other state parks in the area also remain closed.
Evacuation Orders
The following areas remain under mandatory evacuation:
- Butano Community area (Zone: SMC-98B)
- Butano State Park including Barranca Knolls Community (Zone: SMC-19)
- Western areas of San Mateo County (SMC-38C)
Approximately 435 residents remain evacuated. Evacuation orders are lifted when areas are deemed safe.
SMC Health Officer Declares Health Emergency Due to Fires
San Mateo County Health Officer Scott Morrow today declared a local health emergency in response to the CZU Lightning Complex fires after determining that hazardous waste that may be on site is an immediate threat to public health.
The declaration may free up additional funding and bolsters an Aug. 28 emergency regulation to allow temporary access to private property for damage assessments.
The Board of Supervisors will ratify and extend the emergency declaration at its regular Sept. 15, 2020, meeting. The Board also proclaimed a local emergency due to the fires on Aug. 19. Read the news release.
Additional Information and Resources:
For additional information when returning home, refer to www.fire.ca.gov
Click on the link, “Post wildfire” for safety precautions.
Sign up for CalFire email updates at https://tinyurl.com/czulightning
Stay up-to date on air conditions at https://www.airnow.gov/
CALFire CZU San Mateo–Santa Cruz Unit Twitter Page: https://twitter.com/CALFIRECZU
Sign up for SMC Alerts at www.smcalert.info
Connect with the County of San Mateo on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/CountyofSanMateo
Follow the County of San Mateo on Twitter at https://twitter.com/sanmateoco