Updated April 11, 2024

On January 17, 2024, the LAFCo Commission directed staff to initiate a Municipal Service Review (MSR) of the Broadmoor Police Protection District (BPPD). The MSR will provide an updated, comprehensive analysis of the District and the actions undertaken by the District since the Special Study of BPPD was adopted by the Commission on March 2023.

On March 20, 2024, the draft MSR was presented to the Commission. The report and presentation can be viewed here and on the bottom of this page. LAFCo staff also presented the draft report to the BPPD Police Commission on April 9, 2024 and will present to the Broadmoor Property Owners Association on April 18, 2024.

Staff intends to bring the final MSR to the Commission for review at the May 15, 2024 Commission meeting. If you wish to submit comments on the draft MSR, they can be sent to Rob Bartoli, LAFCo Executive Officer, at rbartol@smcgov.org

History & Background

As part of the FY 22-23 LAFCo workplan, the Commission authorized a special study of Broadmoor Police Protection District (BPPD or District) to evaluate the District’s operations and services since the adoption of the 2015 North County Cities & Special Districts Municipal Service Review (MSR)/Sphere of Influence (SOI) study. The Special Study focused on BPPD’s operations, finances and governance.

LAFCo Commissioners approved the Special Study at the March 15, 2023 meeting and directed staff to request that the District respond in writing with their agreement or disagreement of the key issues and recommendations identified in the Special Study for inclusion in the agenda packet at this meeting. In addition, the Commission directed staff to present updates on the Broadmoor Police Protection District, specifically regarding the implementation of the Study’s recommendations and the District’s fiscal condition within 90 days (July), 6 months (September) and 12 months (March 2024) of the adoption of the Special Study.

To address its fiscal challenges, the Broadmoor Police Protection District has taken several actions to reduce costs, including personnel reductions and administrative costs. In addition, the BPPD Commission has contemplated filing for Chapter 9 bankruptcy and placing a measure on the ballot to increase the annual supplemental parcel tax above the 5% allowable annual increase. On January 9, 2024 the BPPD Commission repealed District Resolution 2023/24-03 to proceed with filing Chapter 9 bankruptcy. No BPPD Commission action has been taken regarding the ballot measure.

Due to growing concern about the District’s ongoing ability to deliver police protection services to its residents, LAFCo Commissioners requested more frequent updates on the BPPD’s fiscal status. On January 17, 2024, the LAFCo Commission directed staff to initiate a municipal service review of the District to provide an updated, comprehensive analysis of the District and its ability to continue providing adequate police protection services.