I HOPE YOU'LL join me in honoring the men and women who have served our country in the military on Veterans Day, November 11.
This year, the annual Veterans Day Observance will feature three interesting speakers at the ceremony at the Golden Gate National Cemetery.
Speakers include Frank Masuoka, U.S. Army veteran; Sylvia Ambrosio, U.S. Navy WAVE; and David M. Kennedy, professor of history at Stanford University.
A musical prelude by the San Mateo Elks Concert Band starts at 10:30 a.m. and the program begins at 11 a.m. with Kathy McCall, Cemetery Director, serving as master of ceremonies. Vocalists Karen Schacht and Eric Ribeiro of San Bruno will sing patriotic songs. Half Moon Bay resident Brenda Termullo, first vice president, San Mateo County Blue Star Moms, will lay a wreath honoring Blue Star families.
The public is also invited to a no-host luncheon at the American Legion Hall, 757 San Mateo Avenue at Huntington Avenue in San Bruno. The luncheon cost is $8 and proceeds benefit the Avenue of Flags Committee and American Legion Post 409.
American Legion
757 San Mateo Avenue
San Bruno, CA