Friday, May 13, 2016
Carol Marks
  • To celebrate the progress of the Sequoia Belle Haven Affordable Senior Housing Project in Menlo Park, MidPen Housing, the project developer, held a "Wall Raising" with all the partners and the neighbors.  This beautiful new complex will open in the summer of 2017!

    Right now, the 48 residents of The Gateway (the project that used to occupy the site) are temporarily relocated during the construction phase of Sequoia Belle Haven Project, but when it is completed, they will be the first occupants of the new building and the building will provide homes to another 40+ residents (90+ in all!).  The new apartments will be energy efficient, beautiful, modern, and designed to promote health, wellness and social connections. Thanks to the City of Menlo Park for rezoning the area and increasing the allowed density to add more housing units to the project.

    As Matthew Franklin, President of MidPen Housing, the Project Developer said, "This project will provide a bulwark against this current affordability crisis." He's right. The units will be affordable, include community amenities and supportive services, too. 

    Many thanks to the partners in this affordable housing project:  Mid Pen Housing Coalition,  Mithun Devcon Construction Inc.,  City of Menlo Park Government,  County of San Mateo,  County of San Mateo - Department of HousingU.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development‬, the Federal Home Loan BankWells Fargo, and the City of East Palo Alto